I’m in love with Beaver Builder, but one area where I was struggling was how to popup images in a lightbox with Beaver Builder with my custom modules. Here’s a quick tutorial showing you how.
First, let’s assume the constants are set
In the beginning of my module creation, I set the base URLs. You’ll change these to reflect your module.
define( 'MEDIARON_BEAVER_BUILDER_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
define( 'MEDIARON_BEAVER_BUILDER_URL', plugins_url( '/', __FILE__ ) );
Code language: PHP (php)
Inside my module’s constructor, I set the path to my custom JavaScript (which I’ll share in a moment) that adds the lightbox CSS/JavaScript.
Enqueue the CSS/JavaScript in your module
My example module constructor is below:
class MediaRon_Restaurant_Menu_Item_Add_Module extends FLBuilderModule {
public function __construct()
'name' => __( 'Restaurant Menu Item', 'mediaron-bb-modules' ),
'description' => __( 'Add menu item for a restaurant', 'mediaron-bb-modules' ),
'category' => __( 'Restaurant', 'mediaron-bb-modules' ),
'group' => __( 'MediaRon Modules', 'mediarion-bb-modules' ),
'dir' => MEDIARON_BEAVER_BUILDER_DIR . 'modules/restaurant-menu-item/',
'url' => MEDIARON_BEAVER_BUILDER_URL . 'modules/restaurant-menu-item/',
'editor_export' => true, // Defaults to true and can be omitted.
'enabled' => true, // Defaults to true and can be omitted.
'partial_refresh' => false, // Defaults to false and can be omitted.
$this->add_css( 'jquery-magnificpopup' );
$this->add_js('mediaron-restaurant-items-for-beaver-builder', MEDIARON_BEAVER_BUILDER_URL . 'modules/restaurant-menu-item/js/frontend.js', array( 'jquery', 'jquery-magnificpopup' ), MEDIARON_BEAVER_BUILDER_VERSION );
Code language: PHP (php)
All I do is add my own JavaScript with a dependency jquery-magnificpopup
Finally, the JavaScript
And here’s the JavaScript to get it done.
jQuery(function() {
type: 'image',
closeOnContentClick: true,
closeBtnInside: false,
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
You’d replace the selector (in my case .mediaron-restaurant-item-photo-lightbox
) with your own and you should be set.
Any questions? Leave a comment below and I’ll be sure to respond.