Affinity Photo Crop Presets: Social Image Sizes

Affinity Photo
License: Ralf –

I’ll keep this post short. I recently parted ways with Adobe Photoshop and the CC suite for the most part. Affinity Photo was recommended, and it has blown me away so far.

Anyways, when cropping, I searched for presets for social media network image sizes. I couldn’t find any available for download. So I made some.

Social Media Presets
The imported presets

To download, visit the preset on GitHub. Download the Raw and import the preset.

Here’s a tutorial on importing new presets into Affinity Photo.


Ronald Huereca
Ronald Huereca

Ronald Huereca

Ronald has been part of the WordPress community since 2006, starting off writing and eventually diving into WordPress plugin development and writing tutorials and opinionated pieces.

No stranger to controversy and opinionated takes on tough topics, Ronald writes honestly when he covers a topic.

Ronald Huereca
MediaRon - Ronald Huereca

Ronald created MediaRon in 2011 and has more than fifteen years of releasing free and paid WordPress plugins.

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